
These are the procedures of the AIS:

The content of these definitions and procedures is given below.


   The definitions:


Definition: Confirmation Committee


Definition: Establishment Committee


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   The procedures on Asgardian Standards:


Procedure: Establishment of a Confirmation Committee
(this is a generic procedure, not only in the context of Asgardian Standards)

  1. Initiator: describe the goal (what will this Confirmation Committee confirm)
  2. Initiator: request an Activity ID from AIS administration (if not yet done)
  3. Initiator: collect members for the Confirmation Committee
  4. Confirmation Committee members (each): confirm via mail to the Initiator
  5. AIS: validate Confirmation Committee composition, confirm this via mail to the Initiator
  6. AIS: update administration


Procedure: Confirmation
(this is a generic procedure; it can among others confirm an Asgardian Standard or a document, like the AIS Handbook)

  1. Initiator: perform the “Procedure: Establishment of a Confirmation Committee” (if not yet done)
  2. Initiator: write the Confirmation Statement
  3. Confirmation Committee: sign the Confirmation Statement (that is: each sign their own page and send the scan of that to the Initiator)
  4. Initiator: inform AIS administration
  5. AIS: update administration
  6. AIS: publish on the AIS website


Procedure: Creation or modification of an Asgardian Standard

  1. Initiator: describe the goal, the global content, which parts will be Mandatory and which parts Recommendatory, collect relevant files (those might become appendices), determine the intended Establishment Committee and the intended Confirmation Committee
  2. Initiator: request an Activity ID from AIS administration
  3. Establishment Committee: write the new document or update the existing one; version numbering:
    the original (definitive) document will be an X.0 version, the draft versions will be X.1, X.2 and so on
    use the template Asgardian Standard when a new one is to be created
  4. In parallel: run “Procedure: Establishment of a Confirmation Committee”
  5. Establishment Committee: once everybody agrees, check with the Confirmation Committee whether they also agree
  6. Establishment Committee: finalize the document, so that its version becomes X+1.0 (so increasing the major version number and make it definitive)
  7. Establishment Committee: run “Procedure: Confirmation”

Note that an Asgardian Standard can become obsolete, for example when it is replaced by another one or when multiple Asgardian Standards are combined. In such a case, this has to be written down in the Confirmation Statement, so that the AIS can update its administration accordingly.


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   The procedures on the AIS itself:


Procedure: Establishment of the AIS and ACQia
(including their Management Teams and the role of the ACQia Treasurer)
Note: AIS and ACQia are based on Pre-AIS and Pre-ACQia - with the enactment of the Asgardia Standards Act (see “About”), the "Pre" was removed and the precursors Pre-AIS and Pre-ACQia were migrated to AIS and ACQia and the Transitional Standards migrated to Standards.

  1. Minister of Manufacturing: create all AIS and ACQia documents, based on the existing Pre-AIS and Pre-ACQia documents,
    and migrate all Transitional Standards to Standards,
    and remove "Pre" from all pages of the AIS and ACQia websites
  2. Minister of Manufacturing: establish the Initial Confirmation Committee
  3. Initial Confirmation Committee: accept the Initial Confirmation Statement;
    this is the formal start of the AIS and the ACQia
  4. AIS: start the first “Procedure: AIS Control Framework Execution”
  5. AIS: repeat this every 6 months
  6. ACQia: start the first “Procedure: ACQia Control Framework Execution”
  7. ACQia: repeat this every 6 months


Procedure: Modification of the AIS
(the AIS Handbook, including procedures therein, and/or the AIS Management Team)

  1. Initiator: determine the type of modification, its goal and the global description of the modification, collect relevant files (those might become appendices), determine the intended Establishment Committee and the intended Confirmation Committee
  2. Initiator: request an Activity ID from AIS administration
  3. Establishment Committee: write the new document or update the existing one; version numbering:
    the original (definitive) document will be an X.0 version, the draft versions will be X.1, X.2 and so on
  4. In parallel: run “Procedure: Establishment of a Confirmation Committee”
  5. Establishment Committee: once everybody agrees, check with the Confirmation Committee whether they also agree
  6. Establishment Committee: finalize the document, so that its version becomes X+1.0 (so increasing the major version number and make it definitive)
  7. Establishment Committee: run “Procedure: Confirmation”


Procedure: AIS Work Program Execution
(this procedure is run by the AIS every quarter)

  1. Log all actions in the AIS logbook
  2. See that the AIS handbook and its procedures are up-to-date
  3. See that all Asgardian Standards are up-to-date
  4. See that new Asgardian Standards are created and implemented
  5. Monitor the creation and modification of Asgardian Standards
  6. Monitor the website and keep it up-to-date
  7. Monitor all AIS documents, keep them up-to-date and secure, perform backups
  8. Report to Cabinet (including Prime Minister), Chairs of Parliamentary Committees plus the Chair of Parliament and to the Judiciary


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