
Context and motivation
The “Asgardia Standards Act” states that Asgardian Standards should be defined, clearly recognizable and easily accessible, maintained by an Asgardian institute. It also states that the requirements regarding compliancy to Asgardian Standards should be described and that it should be possible by a second, independent organization, to formally check and confirm the compliance to Asgardian Standards. That first institute is the AIS, the Asgardia Institute of Standards, the second one is ACQia, the Institute of Asgardia for the Assurance of Compliance and Quality.

Before the Act was formally accepted by the Parliament, AIS and ACQia could not yet be established. However, it was deemed important that a structure should already be established, to assist companies and organizations within Asgardia in matters related to standardization. Thus, the Pre-AIS and Pre-ACQia were created, as precursors to AIS and ACQia.

Now that the Asgardia Standards Act was passed, accepted and enacted by the Head of Nation of Asgardia, via Decree 66 (see also here), AIS and ACQia are now formally activated and fully functional. As a part of that activation, Asgardia Transitional Standards were converted into Asgardia Standards.

The goals of the AIS are:

Using and running AIS should be easy, efficient and cost-effective in resources and money. The AIS should be professional and agile.

Via the AIS, Asgardian Standards are created and modified, but also the AIS itself will be modified, since it is always good to learn and improve.

For Asgardia
AIS and ACQia and the initial versions of the first Standards were created by the Ministry of Manufacturing, but AIS and the Asgardian Standards are applicable and valid for whole Asgardia.

Click here for a presentation with a summary on AIS and ACQia.
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