
The AIS maintains a number of administrations:

Details on these administrations are given below.


   The administrations:


Administration of AIS Activities

View the latest administration of Activities and their IDs here.
When you do need a translation, first download the document to your own computer and then upload it to Google Translate to translate it to your language.


Administration of Asgardian Standards

  • each Asgardian Standard has a unique ID
    • the ID starts with “AS-”, for an Asgardian Standard
      (and in the past, in the Pre-AIS, with “ATS-”, for an Asgardian Transitional Standard)
    • then continues with a letter
      • “A” for Asgardian Standards focused on Asgardia internal affairs, like language and branding
      • “P” for Asgardian Standards focused on procedures, like registration and membership
      • “Q” for Asgardian Standards focused on quality assurance, like information security
      • “S” for Asgardian Standards focused on scientific aspects, like units and numbers
      (in the future, more letters might be added to this list)
    • and ends with an Activity ID
  • the administration consists of a list with per row the current information of each Asgardian Standard, with:
    • the ID of Asgardian Standard
    • the version, date and status (draft, definitive, obsolete)
    • a summary
    • the current contact
    • the filename of the Confirmation Statement
      (that file contains the Confirmation Committee)
    • the initiator
    • the initiation date
  • plus a chronological log of all updates of the above list
    • date
    • ID of Asgardian Standard
    • old version, new version
    • remarks
  • and the Asgardian Standards themselves,
    • which contain the ID, version, date, status, context, articles and optionally appendices
    • and are accompanied by a Confirmation Statement (when they are accepted and thus definitive) and optionally by attached files

View the latest administration of Asgardian Standards here.
When you do need a translation, first download the document to your own computer and then upload it to Google Translate to translate it to your language.

View the current list of Asgardian Standards here.


Administration of Confirmation Statements

  • each Confirmation Statement has a unique ID
    • the ID starts with “CS”
    • and ends with an Activity ID
  • a Confirmation Statement contains among others
    • the Confirmation Statement ID, version, date, approval state
    • the Object to be established
    • the Confirmation Committee (a set of names)
    • the actual confirmation
    • the signatures of all the members of the Confirmation Committee (original document + scans with the signatures)

View the latest administration of Confirmation Statements here.

The current list of Confirmation Statements:

When you do need a translation, first download the document to your own computer and then upload it to Google Translate to translate it to your language.


Administration of the AIS Work Program

  • every quarter of a year a report is created with the results of the “Procedure: AIS Work Program Execution”
  • the current versions of all documents are added to this report and the combination is stored in a secure location, as a backup
  • additional separate backups are performed regularly

The latest administration of the AIS Work Program is 2024Q1 and earlier versions, from Pre-AIS, are 2023Q4, 2021Q4 and 2021Q3.
When you do need a translation, first download the document to your own computer and then upload it to Google Translate to translate it to your language.


The AIS Logbook

  • summaries of all activities performed in the context of the AIS are logged in the AIS Logbook

View the latest version of the AIS Logbook here.
Click here for the originals of all AIS documents.
When you do need a translation, first download the document to your own computer and then upload it to Google Translate to translate it to your language.


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